In the Apply as you type section, un-check Automatic bulleted lists and Automatic numbered lists Select Proofing and click AutoCorrect Options. Click > Click the tab From the File tab, click Options. In the resulting dialogue box from the sidebar, select Proofing.
To enable automatic bulleted and numbered lists: Click > From the sidebar, select Options. Under Apply as You Type, deselect the options for Automatic Bulleted Lists and Automatic Numbered Lists
Categories: Uncategorized Tags: how to turn on automatic bullets in word mac. how to turn on automatic bullets in word mac By: January 7, 2021.Each line or paragraph becomes a bulleted or numbered item Word 2016 for Mac Word for Mac 2011 Newer versions Office 2011 To turn lines of text into a bulleted or numbered list, select the text, and then, on the Home tab in the Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering.Home How to turn on automatic bullets in Word Mac Create a bulleted or numbered list in Word for Mac - Word